OpenFMB PlugFest 3.0

Monday, May 20th - Thursday, May 23rd, 2024

Detroit, MI

The OpenFMB (Open Field Message Bus) standard has been ratified by the North American Energy Standards Board for grid edge interoperability and is a key enabler for Distributed Intelligence (DI) for electric utility power systems.

In May 2024, UCA will be conducting its 3rd PlugFest in Detroit with DTE Energy as its host. The objectives are to validate vendor interoperability while sharing use cases and lessons learned to drive broader industry adoption of OpenFMB solutions.

The OpenFMB data model supports grid edge assets based on IEC 61850 and CIM patterns. During the last Plugfest, stakeholders from across North America were brought together to test and demonstrate advanced Distributed Energy Resource (DER) functionality for Grid Codes based on IEEE 1547.The new standard (v2.2) was recently expanded to include EV integration and managed charging use cases. It is time once again to come together to showcase and observe member capabilities as well as share and learn various DI experiences. Join us in Detroit this May.

Plugfest 2022: David Lawrence & Dwayne Bradley show industry stakeholders what Duke Energy have been able to build and deploy on the Mt Holly microgrid testbed.

Who Should Attend?

  • Businesses, institutions, and communities looking to use OpenFMB to maximize the benefits of assets and other connected devices to the distribution grid
  • Innovators, developers, utilities, technology, and engineering firms working in the space of production, delivery, and/or consumption of energy at the distribution level
  • Energy leaders shaping the utility industry
  • Policymakers and regulators
  • Cyber Security specialists seeking the latest information on protecting grid assets
  • Equipment and service providers looking to gain or expand their footprint in the growing field of microgrids, DERs, EVs, etc.

Past Attendees

Value to Attendees

Learn about the benefits that OpenFMB offers in managing various grid solutions (e.g., microgrids, DERs, EVs) for utilities and broader society. 

Obtain models for setting up and managing automation, grid edge devices, DERs, etc.

Learn from others and discover ideas for your own organization.

Meet and network with partners in the OpenFMB ecosystem, including utilities, vendors, national laboratories, etc.

High-level agenda

  • Multi-vendor collaboration environment for integrating and testing
  • Tour of DTE Energy to learn about its Distributed Intelligence experiments, capabilities, and roadmap
  • Shared experiences, accomplishments, lessons learned, etc. regarding grid edge interoperability and DI from attendees
  • OpenFMB Users Group program updates
  • Keynote Speaker(s)
  • OpenFMB 101 session if there is enough interest
  • Working session to build out knowledge content for website and other mediums (optional)


Until May 10


From May 11 - May 20

UCA Member

$550 / Participant


$700 / Participant