Why Participate?

The OpenFMB standard is community driven. OpenFMB provides its use-cases, data models, device interfaces, and test procedures with a royalty-free, open-source license. It is maintained by an active nonprofit users’ group sharing the same parent organization (UCAIug) and governance processes as other leading energy interoperability standards: IEC 61850 and the Common Information Model (CIM). 

Where applicable, OpenFMB’s content has leveraged and built upon existing open-source artifacts from its sibling users’ groups, but it heavily relies on a consortium of industry stakeholders to provide a roadmap, set objectives, and share expertise to contribute content and feedback. OpenFMB can’t exist without these stakeholders regularly/actively participating, and the more the better. Join us.

The OpenFMB users’ group is comprised of a diverse mix of energy industry stakeholders including electric utilities, hardware and software vendors, research labs, federal government, and consultants.  These dedicated individuals contribute as they are able and participate in activities based on interest and ability. 

Various activities meet with various cadences:

  • Biweekly (virtual):  Subcommittees on use-case data modeling or testing & certification
  • Monthly (virtual):  General OpenFMB users group update
  • Ad-hoc (virtual):  Marketing subcommittee for DistribuTECH & Plugfest planning
  • Annually (in-person): OpenFMB interoperability Plugfest event
Featured Event

OpenFMB Plugfest 3.0

May 21-23, 2024 • Detroit, MI

  • Host utility: DTE Energy
  • UML version: 2.2, extensions for EV Charging use-cases

Detailed information and Registration will be provided soon

Past Events

A list of past events and associated materials will be available soon.

How to Join?

OpenFMB is part of the UCA International Users Group. Membership in UCAIUG provides complete access to our affiliated user communities, including: